====Coolsymbols 's story=====
First of all, I’d like to show my gratitude to Google which created the great Android System, I love it very much. It was about 2013, I noticed that there was a little secret hiding in the Android System, some interesting symbols in the system. It took me one week to study on these symbols and it seemed very very interesting to me. Although my co-workers thought it was a waste of time, I realized that messages delivered by symbols, sometimes are much better than words. Additionally, it could make your text, Facebook messages more personalized. In the meantime, I was studying the Android development, so I developed this small program when I was at home after work and posted on Google Play. Unexpectedly, Coolsymbols was more than welcome on internet, having more and more downloads. More and more users have encouraged me that I am motivated to keep developing the new versions. I have launched some Picture Expression Packages with some other artists in the world. At present, Coolsymbol has worldwide users in 100 countries, have downloaded 5,000,000, hundreds of thousands of people are using every day. I am so grateful to the worldwide users for their support and hope that it would bring joy to you.
“Havalı şekiller” 1000'den fazla ilginç simge ve ifade ⊙▂⊙ içerir.Bunları SMS,facebook,twitter vb. yerlerde kullanabilirsiniz.
Kalbe tıklayın ve sembolü seçin sonra onu SMS, facebook, twitter, metin editörü vb. yerlere yapıştırın.
Sorularınız için e-posta adresi me:wupeng.android.dev@gmail.com
Lütfen Beta test grubuna katılın:https://plus.google.com/communities/100277968044707947490
<b>If you get error code 24 from google play update, This is google play's error.please uninstall old version and install new verison again.
If you can not launch select symbols interface, after click notification bar please restart phone.
<b>Eğer sanatçı iseniz ve “Havalı Şekiller” ile yeni ifadeler oluşturmak istiyorsanız lütfen benimle irtibata geçin. </b>
<b>If you want to use keyboard please install coolsymbols keyboard https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smallworld.inputmethod.latin</b>
<b>====Boş Kutular====
Samsung telefon kullanıyorsanız, bazı şekiller görünmeyebilir lütfen ortamda varsayılan yazı tipini ayarlayın.
Şekilleri hala göremiyorsanız, galaxy S3 & S2 telefona emoji yazı tipi indirmek için lütfen aşağıdaki websitesini ziyaret edin
galaxy S3 & S2 telefona emoji yazı tipini
Eğer galaxy S4 kullanıyorsanız aşağıdaki linkten indirebilirsiniz
===Özel semboller eklemek için===
Öncelikle SD kartınıza “havalı şekiller” komutu verin ve Özel.txt dosyası oluşturun (harfleri not edin)
İkinci olarak sembolünüzü Özel.txt dosyasına girin her sembol arasında bir boşluk bırakın.
Son olarak kendi sembolünüzü uygulamada rahatlıkla bulabilirsiniz.
<b>===İfade paketi almak===
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